Section 7: Equal Opportunity Policy We regularly review and improve our recruitment process; therefore, we ask that you complete the following form to assist us with such improvements. Information you provide in this form will not be used in selecting or not selecting you for an employment position and is used to monitor our equal opportunities policy. This information is confidential, and you will not be identified by any information you provide in this form. Completed forms will be detached from your application upon receipt and will not be held in employment files. This form is not part of your application.
Job Title Applied For:* Surname:* Forename(s):* Gender:* Marital Status:*
Ethnic Origin (The following categories are recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality. If you feel the choices do not provide a suitable option, please write down how you would describe your ethnic origin) A White D Black or Black British 1 White British 11 Caribbean 2 White Irish 12 African 3 White Other (please specify) 13 Any other Black background (please specify) B Mixed E Chinese or other ethnic group 4 White and Black Caribbean 14 Chinese 5 White and Black African 15 Any other (please specify) 6 Any other Mixed background (please specify) C Asian or Asian British 7 Indian 8 Pakistani 9 Bangladeshi 10 Other Asian Background (please specify)
A Disability is defined by the The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Do you have a disability? —Please choose an option—YesNo [multistep multistep-485 ""]